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Search results for "gboard"

Glasses-Free 3D Springboard Tweak Coming Soon to Cydia [Video]

The jailbreak community is always working on the “next thing” that will make your friends go “wow” when they see your modded iPhone. Developer Apocalypse is working on a new tweak called 3DBoard that will add a subtle 3D effect to the icons on your Springboard when you tilt your device. There is a demo video embedded below, but I’m not sure how much the effect can be spotted in the video.

Anyway, it will be available soon in Cydia at $4. [Gizmodo via Youtube] Read more

How The iPhone Springboard Becomes An Endless Spiral

Of all the neat Cydia tweaks we’ve covered on MacStories so far, this has to be the craziest. Still in development and released in Cydia as early alpha, IconSpiral will turn your iPhone Springboard into a spiral of icons. Yes, a spiral.

What’s the purpose? I don’t know. I guess it’s pretty useless. Yet, from what we can see in the video below, it looks cool.

If you want to go ahead and enable the tweak, make sure to uninstall any other tweak that modifies your Springboard, such as Barrel, Iconoclasm, Parallax or Infiniboard. If you don’t, your iPhone will likely enter an infinite loop state. Not that infinite loop, but you get it. The repo you have to add in Cydia to find IconSpiral is:

Jailbreak Hack Enables Landscape Springboard on iPhone

By default, you can’t turn the iPhone Springboard in landscape mode. The iPhone is meant to be held in portrait mode, at least when you’re navigating between pages on your Springboard. That’s what Apple wants. But some users have been asking – Why can’t we put the Springboard in landscape mode if some apps, like Mail, support the horizontal orientation?

Cydia developers, as usual, are here to come up with alternative solutions to Apple’s restrictions. My guess is that Apple doesn’t want you to turn your Springboard horizontally because that would require an icon layout adjustment, just like on the iPad. Besides, the iPhone has a much smaller screen and layout adjustment would turn out to be a huge problem to deal with. Read more

Barrel Brings 3D To Your iPhone’s Springboard | Cydia Store

Barrel is a new tweak available in the Cydia Store at $2.99 which doesn’t do anything particularly useful, but adds an incredibly cool 3D effect to the iPhone’s Springboard.

If you’re familiar with Linux and the Compiz desktop effect, you know what I’m talking about: instead of swiping between pages, you’ll swipe between different sides of a cube. In the tweak’s settings, you can customize the effect so that homescreen icons will appear to be either inside our outside the cube. Words pay not justice to the cool factor of Barrel, you’ve got to see it by yourself. Read more

iPad Springboard Breaks Spatiality

Latest post from Lukas Mathis:

“Let’s say you want to open the App Store on your iPad, and you know that you’ve put this icon at the bottom right of your apps. Turning the iPad shuffles the positions of your icons. The App Store now suddenly jumps to the middle of the second row.

While rewrapping is fine for text, it’s not okay for things the user has intentionally arranged in a specific way. Instead, Apple should make sure that the arrangement is preserved. Since there is so much space between individual applications, this could possibly be achieved without shrinking the actual icons, simply by moving them closer to each other.”

An interesting point.

SpringBoard Rotator Brings Landscape Mode To The iPhone Home Screen

If you ever wished to use your iPhone in landscape mode even when playing around with the home screen, soon you’ll be able to do it. iPhoneHellas has just published an exclusive preview of SpringBoard Rotator, a soon to be released in Cydia tool that will allow you to rotate your iPhone and enjoy a landscape-enabled springboard.

As you can see it doesn’t stop at rotating icons or other similar tricks, a landscape statusbar and wallpaper are injected into the iPhone, icons are stretched and same happens to the dock. Sure it needs more stability and more space between the icons (I’m not a huge fan of pages cluttered with 30+ icons) but it’s really promising. Check out the embedded video below.

Create Custom Springboard Layouts with Iconoclasm

If there’s something great about jailbreak, that’s the possibility to completely theme and modify the original iPhone user interface. Thanks to that amazing tool called Winterboard, you can download and install custom themes on your phone, which will change everything from icons and statusbar color to the dialpad and settings page. Be sure to check out my roundup about 12 best Winterboard themes if you missed it. Anyway, today I’d like to talk about a nice tweak I’ve just purchased from the Cydia Store: it’s called Iconoclasm, and it lets you arrange your icons on the Springboard in a whole different way.

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MacStories Unwind: Shortcuts and the Stream Deck, a Tweetbot Update, Lots of Music Recommendations, and a Tech Documentary


This week on MacStories Unwind:


Club MacStories

  • MacStories Weekly
    • A tip for simplifying Shortcuts and Alfred integration
    • Federico’s Obsidian shortcuts for appending text and webpage links to a section of his Dashboard note
    • Details on how John is using the Stream Deck,
    • An interview with BetterTouchTool developer Andreas Hegenberg

