
This story wouldn’t have been possible without the help, feedback, and existence of the following people, animals, and apps:

  • My girlfriend Silvia, for her patience, love, design skills, and wisdom
  • Ryan Christoffel, for his editing skills and incredible patience
  • Brian King, for working his 3D magic to make this story extra special
  • John Voorhees, a friend and amazing colleague who also helped with photos, editing, and the eBook version
  • Shahid Ahmad, for his precious notes and feedback
  • Jason Snell
  • The developers of Working Copy, iA Writer, Shortcuts, Scriptable, MindNode, and Timery
  • Zelda and Ginger, for keeping me company while I was writing the article
  • Alessandro Vendruscolo, who made the web layout happen (again)
  • Brett Terpstra
  • Myke Hurley
  • Stephen Hackett
  • Every Club MacStories member
  • And finally, every MacStories reader, for reading my stories over the years and allowing me to keep doing what I love. Thank you.

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