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Jailbroken iPads Get an Application Switcher, Circuitous

One of the best things about jailbreak is the possibility to enable true multitasking and install application switchers, pretty much like those ones you can have on Mac OS X and Windows PCs. On jailbroken iPhones you can install Pro Switcher, an amazing tool by Ryan Petrich which allows you to quickly switch between apps running in the background. Unfortunately, Pro Switcher is not ready for the iPad yet, although we’ve heard rumors of a private beta floating around.

Pro Switcher isn’t the only application switcher worth giving a try though: Circuitous,a  quite popular extension for the iPhone, has been updated to the 2.0 version and it’s now iPad-compatible.

Circuitous looks like an additional dock that lets you switch between apps running in the background. It integrates with Backgrounder and Activator, allowing you to easily background apps without quitting them and assign custom activation gestures to invoke it. The app itself is pretty simple and looks nice as a transparent overlay: all you have to do is tap on the icons to switch apps.

The settings is where you’ll get lost trying to achieve the perfect Circuituos setup. You can decide to show icon badges and free memory in the dock switcher, change the appearance of the dock by choosing to always display some favorite apps (useful), hide certain apps from being displayed all the time (Mail, Safari) and enable the app to run in the Lockscreen as well.

Circuituos is free and available in Cydia. It has already changed the way I use my jailbroken iPad. Highly recommended.

(As for the wallpaper, it’s unreleased by @aylys. Feel free to ask her.)

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